Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Average Dog ...

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."

- Andy Rooney

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Rest and Relaxation

Our vet has prescribed plenty of R&R, and we're seeing to it that Luke is following doctor's orders.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good Report

Luke got a good report today. His scar is healing well and our vet says everything looks good.

I've had him napping beside me since I got home from work. He's a good boy.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sleeping in on Sunday

My buddy is sleeping in this beautiful Sunday morning. He couldn't get comfortable and had a restless night. He's lying here right beside me in a deep sleep.
I know that Luke is feeling better, because that tail of his was wagging a little last night ... and that made me feel better.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Patient is Resting Comfortably.

Luke had his surgery today, and is back home now. The picture to the left shows the shaved area and scar on his left leg. He's been through quite an ordeal today, and is resting in the family room now.

His scar is about 10 inches long, with metal staples every 1/2 inch. I can't imagine how that feels. Poor guy.

I'm going to sleep in the family room with him tonight in case he needs something. He's got a 3 month recovery ahead of him.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Trust Your Instincts

As I mentioned in my last post, something just didn't seem right to me about Luke's first diagnosis, so we took Luke back to our vet and asked that he be x-ray'd. I'm glad we insisted on this.
The x-rays revealed that the problem was not arthiritis as the vet initially thought, but instead Luke is suffering from a detached ACL ligament in his hind leg. I have Luke scheduled for corrective surgery on Friday, June 20th.
Always trust your instincts in regard to your pet. You know your pet better than anyone.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Trip to the Vet

Trip to the Doctor
I turned 50 years old this year. Luke turned 11. Like me, I've noticed that Luke is moving slower, hobbling a bit and finding it harder to stand up.

We took Luke to the vet this week, and our doctor informed us that among other things, he believes that Luke is suffering from arthritis in his back leg and hip region. He's prescribed a pain killer to help him move about. It seems to help a little, but I'm not convinced that it provides him enough relief. We may be back for further testing.