Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A day off! Poor Luke has been neglected for a couple weeks, but now I'm back on schedule. Wednesday is Luke's day.

We have our usually routine planned. A trip to Walmart for chicken jerky. Lunch from one of Luke's favorite fast food places. A walk up into the mountains, which is sure to get Luke intrigued with new scents and mysterious russling sounds that need investigation.

We walk up to a wet weather spring that oiginates half way up the mountain. The water is clean and cold, and there are footprints and scents of all the wildlife that comes there to drink.

As we near the spring, Luke's head goes down and his nose leads the way along the trail of some forest animal that is long gone. Perhaps it was a deer, or bear or something smaller. I'd give anything to know what he is thinking as he follows the path of one of the local "residents".

We don't hunt. We just walk along the trail, and talk. Well, I talk and Luke listens.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This was a great day!

This was a great day. A friend recently gave me propane smoker, and I finally had a day off to fire it up. I had a few friends over, and we smoked some sausages, chicken, baby back ribs, Boston butt and pork loin.

And guess who got to taste a little of everything? Yep, LUKE. Not only did he get a lot of attention today from my friends, he got all the table scraps! He's as full as he can be now, and laying here beside me sound asleep.

I've got one content Golden Retriever tonight.

Monday, July 30, 2007

GREAT News today!

Our prayers were answered today. Our Doctor called and the results of Luke's extensive testing show no sign of cancer in his lungs or lymph nodes. According to our Ocologist, the cancer has not spread from the tumor in his mouth. They still believe that the tumor can be removed completely with surgery.

I hate the thought of him having a portion of his tongue removed, but if it extends his life and keeps the cancer from spreading, it's the best option.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Luke is tired.

Luke had another long day. He spent over 7 hours with his oncologist and her staff at the Veterinary hospital today. He had a comprehensive, day-long physical so that we could make an informed decision about his tumor.
Luke has been poked and prodded, been weighed, been x-ray'd, had hands in his mouth, fingers on his tongue, lights in his eyes, lymph nodes and oil glands squeezed, blood samples, urine samples, cell samples, had instruments stuck in his ears, and thermometers stuck in a place where thermometers get stuck.
He allowed all this to be done to him without snapping at anyone. After 7 hours, I'm not sure I could have been as gentlemanly.
We're thankful for today's news that the chest x-rays revealed that the cancer had not spread to the lungs. We should get the results from the other
tests on Monday, and hopefully the cancer is localized to his mouth. From what we've learned today, we're about to conclude that the best of our "not so great" options is surgery to remove the tumor.
As we were about to leave today to drive back home to the mountains, our intern told us that everyone on the hospital staff adored Luke.
I know how they feel.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Caution: Men Working

Luke and I plan to work in the garage today. I've got some painting to do, a light fixture to change, and some carpentry. I like having him with me. Work always goes faster when you have someone helping you.

We'll break for lunch and go pick up his favorite meal. (Double Whopper, hold everything, except the cheese.) On the way, I'll let him hold his head out the car window. He likes riding in the car, with his ears are flapping in the wind.

Besides, the girls in the drive-thru always make a fuss over him.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Update on Luke's condition.

Update on Luke's condition: We learned the results of Luke's second biopsy this week. According to his Doctor, the tumor in his mouth does not seem to have spread, but she is still recommending that it be sugically removed.

I'm taking him back to G-boro to a specialist within the practice in two weeks to see if radiation is a possibility. If it isn't, then the only option will be to remove the tumor which will mean he will lose a portion of his tongue.

Before I put him through the ordeal of surgery, I have to learn everything I can about his problem and be convinced this is the best and only option. I can't stand the thought of hurting him, unless I'm certain it necessary for his long term best interest.

I love this dog.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm not the lead dog.

Well, I'm going to have to face up to the fact that I'm not Luke's favorite. Yep, there's no denying it, - he likes my wife better than me.

Maybe it's because she is constantly slipping him doggy treats. Maybe he's just a ladies man. Doesn't matter. He'd rather snuggle with her than me (can't blame him really).
If she goes to another room, he gets up and goes too. If she pets the cat, he tries to wedge in between them.
I guess that makes him the jealous type too.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Easy (like Sunday morning)

Luke and I are sitting here on Sunday morning. He's had his breakfast, and I'm having coffee. Two cool dudes, just chillin' out and making plans for the day.

We haven't decided what we're going to do today. One thing is for sure, whatever I do, Luke is going to be right there doing it with me.

He's already given me a suggestion for one thing on today's agenda. Last night, he walked into the family room with a tennis ball in his mouth, and came over to me and dropped it at my feet.

I know what that means. It means: "You've been spending to much time at the office lately and we need to play more." He's right, - we all need to play a little more and work a little less.

You gotta like a dog that has his priorities in order.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

My Watch Dog

I've got a watch dog. He lays beside my bed, just inside my bedroom, looking out the door way and down the hall. From this perspective, he can see the entrance to each of my daughter's bedrooms, and the staircase leading to our rooms.

He comes to bed when the last family member does, and stays on guard until everyone stops stirring. He is always the last to go to sleep. If someone gets up during the night, so does he.

He makes sure our family stays safe at night. As he sees it, this is his job.

I love this dog.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Major Wrestling Match

I just finished a major wrestling match with Luke. Down and Dirty, both of us on the floor, winner take all!

We've been wrestling over his chew toys, and he sure can be one possessive Golden Retriever when it comes to his toys!!

I'd have to admit that he probably won. (Atleast I ran out of energy before he did!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Luke and the 4th of July

One of the nice things about our home is that it has an awesome view. On the 4th of July, we just sit on the deck and watch the various fireworks displays in the valley.

The sound of the explosives and the resonation off the surrounding mountains really bothers my friend Luke. He gets nervous and shaky and needs to be cuddled and reassured that everything is alright. He can be such a big baby, (which is a wonderful, loving quality).

The fireworks have been over an hour, and he's right here at my feet. I like having him beside me, and he feels better being here. I'm glad he's home and that I can help him get back to a normal routine. He's had a long week so far.

I love this dog. (Probably too much, but I do.)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Luke goes to G-boro.

We took Luke to Greensboro today. He sees Dr. Lew tomorrow, and we should know whether or not he will need further surgery to remove the tumor under his tongue.

I'm hoping she'll advise us to put if off a while. I just don't want that dog going through any unnecessary pain, or having his any disfigurement from the surgery.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cat napping with Luke

I got home a little early from work today. It had rained earlier, so Luke and I just stayed inside. We layed down on the floor of my office and took a cat nap together.

Luke snores.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

This was a long day. I went in to the office early, and got home late.

I was glad to be greeted at the door by a wagging tail. I didn't have much time to spend with Luke today, so I slipped him a few slices of roast beef at dinner.

He liked that pretty good.

I love this dog.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It's raining cats and Dogs.

We had a powerful thunder storm blow through tonight. Luke does NOT like thunder and lighting. The loud sounds really scare him.

He likes to be in the downstairs den snuggled up near the girls during storms. It's quieter and cozier.

I love this dog.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

This summer, we're working on a couple new tricks with Luke. He's an excellent "student" who's eager to please. If you are smart enough to help him understand, he's happy to do as you ask. Luke loves the attention and he perfectly willing to be in "class" as long as you like.

More to follow on his accomplishments as he progresses.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What a lazy dog!

I mean me, not Luke. He and I have been pretty lazy today, working in the yard and just hanging out together all day.

He likes it when we're outside together, working in the yard. He doesn't ever really wander off, but sometimes a strange scent will catch his attention and he'll follow it down the street. A quick whistle and a call of his name, and he runs right back home.

If I go inside for something, and he realizes he's alone, he'll go straight to the front door and bark. It's the funniest thing. He really doesn't like being left alone outside. So, even if I'm only going inside for a minute, I try to remember to bring him in with me.

Of course, I like having him with me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Linda Lew

Yep, ... Dr. Linda Lew. That is the name of the vet / surgeon that will be seeing Luke at in Greensboro. He goes down for a consultation in two weeks, so that Dr. Lew can examine him. At that time, he'll be scheduled for surgery. He may see an ocologist also.

From what I know, I have a comfort level and degree of confidence with this surgical hospital. We'll see how I feel once we meet and talk with his doctor.

If necessary, we'll continue looking for the best veterinary professionals we can find.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Poor Luke

I received a call from the Sr. Veterinarian today. He had reviewed the biopsy results and believes that Luke should have further surgery.

He is recommending that we see a surgical specialist in Greensboro, so that the remainder of the tumor in Luke's mouth can be removed. According to him, the remainder of the tumor still contain cancerous cells. The problem is that this may also mean removing a significant portion of the tongue.

I plan to speak with the surgeon personally. Hopefully he can help me make a more informed decision.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dog Eat Dog!

Maybe I should say eat dog, eat!

Luke has not felt much like eating since the surgery to his mouth, and he's had an upset stomach for nearly a week. However today, we saw the first signs that he's been getting his appetite back, and that is a very good sign.

We grilled out tonight, and Luke had a few bites of chicken, which seemed to hit the spot. We're pleased to see him getting back to normal.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Good news / Bad news

We heard from the vet today. The tumorous tissue that was removed from Luke's mouth and sent off for a biopsy revealed that the tumor was benign. This is essentially good news, however we will still need to monitor this area. If the tumor should begin to grow, it may be necessary to operate and remove a portion of Luke's tongue. According to our vet, this type of surgery on the tongue is particularly difficult. He would refer us to an out of town specialist.

Luke is doing well and slowly regaining his appetite. I hope this ordeal is over for him.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The "patient" is resting comfortably.

Luke seems to be doing better each day. The visit to the vet really took its toll on him and upset his system, but he seems to be getting his strength back a little everyday.

These are the times I'd give anything to be able to talk with him ... Ask him how he's feeling, what he needs, or whether or not anything hurts. Instead, I can only watch for signs of how he's acting, and pet him to comfort him and let him know he's loved.

There's one thing I know for sure. He knows he's loved.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Sick as a Dog

My friend is sick today.

In light of the fact that he's had a rabies shot, been anestetized, given an antibiotic, a pain pill and that he's not been allowed to have food and water before he's surgery, it's no wonder.

Inspite of everything he's been through, he still manages to wag his tail and greet me at the door.

What a dog. What a friend.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dog Tired

My friend is snoozing beside my chair. He's had his pain pill and he's laying on his side sound asleep.

I'm glad he resting. He's had a very tough day today, and he's no doubt still feeling the effects of being sedated earlier.

I love this animal. A good dog is truely one of God's greatest blessings.

Tough Day for Luke

This has been a long day for Luke and for our family. We took Luke to the vet's office this morning for his routine check-up. While he was there, the vet discovered a small tumor under his tongue. He recommended that the tumor be removed and biopsied, which we agreed to.

According to the vet, there are three types of tumors generally found in the mouth. None are "safe". Hopefully, the test results will indicate that the tumor is benign. If not, they will have to perform surgery (most likely out of town) and it's possible that a portion of his tongue will have to be removed.

We also had a number of lumpy fatty nodules removed from his back and lower neck. These type of nodules don't typically bother the animal, but a couple of them had become tough and firm, and we wanted to be safe, rather than sorry.

Luke is resting comfortably. He gets a pain pill in a little while. I'm going to make sure he's pampered while he gets better.

Now, we wait a week or so for the results.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Luke doesn't like thunder. He's not scared at all of the barking German Sheppard that lives a few doors down the street from us (I am), but thunder frightens him.

Tonight we had an expected summer storm complete with lightning, wind, rain and thunder. Guess who started shaking and needed to be held? Yep, my buddy.

He's ok now. I hugged him and asured him that I'd never let anything hurt him.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Toys and Hotdogs

We got Luke's toys out today and played with them. Each has a special name, and he wants to play with whichever one you're holding at the time.

A few of his favorites are:

Ropeman - stick figure man made of rope, Luke has shreaded one of his legs.
Ducka - A terry cloth duck, - soft and chewy, once Luke's #1 favorite toy
Barbell - Two tennis balls connected by a strap. Two balls? -very frustrating for Luke.
Rabbit - Another terry cloth animal. Rabbit is missing his eyes and face. "Someone" chewed them off!
Corncob - A plastic corncob shaped thing with a rope through it. Great for tug of war!

After we played with the toys a while, it was time for a hotdog treat. A fresh, raw hotdog must be like Lobster and Filet Mignon to a dog. He just LOVES them!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Lukey boy!

Luke had a good day. The children are out of school for the summer, so he's happy to have family in the house during the day.

Next Wednesday, we have an appointment for Luke at the vet. I have a few concerns I'd like our vet to check on. It's probably not too early to check him for early signs of hip dysplacia, a condition common to this breed.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tennis anyone?

Summer time means tennis ball time. This dog loves a game of fetch the tennis ball better than anything! We hung out today and in between running errands, Luke and I spent as much time as we could outside.

Once the tennis ball leaves your hand, Luke is focused on nothing else. Like a heat seeking missile, he races toward the ball. You have to be very careful. If you accidentally throw the ball over the bank, then he's going over the bank after it. Throw it into the bushes by mistake, and he's going head first, at full speed into the bushes.

I love this dog. He loves to play and he loves to please.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Old Men, Old Dogs and BBQ

I'd planned to enjoy the day with Luke, but I was unexpectedly called in to work. So, on the way home, I stopped and picked up a full rack of Memphis style dry rub, BBQ baby back ribs from my favorite smokehouse.

Luke knows when I come through the door, and he gets the first whiff of those BBQ ribs, that we're gonna be eatin' good. I'll eat one, then I'll give him one and he always waits patiently for his turn.

Old guys like us probably shouldn't eat greasy BBQ ribs too often, but sometimes when you get the craving, nothing else will do.

The Wake Up Call

It's Sunday, so I slept in this morning. I was laying there, somewhere between asleep and awake, when I became aware that someone was watching me.

It was my alarm clock. My four legged, tail wagging alarm clock.

Looking over the foot of the bed I saw my buddy. He was waiting patiently for "permission" to jump up on the bed with me. He always waits, for a nod, or a verbal OK. He's never been denied permission to get on the bed, in fact, he's been encouraged.

Luke came to us from his former family, as a fully trained, perfectly obedient, animal. He is comfortable around children and other animals, and responds to a number of voice commands and gestures. As a puppy, Luke was raised to be an inside dog, so he's been trained not to do things like get on furniture.
He's still very mindful of his former training, so before he jumps up on the bed, he waits patiently for special permission each and every time.

This morning, like every other, permission was granted. And once he got settled beside me, I whispered quietly in his ear; "Luke, you're a good boy". That started his tail wagging again.

Could there possibly be a better way to start the day?

Friday, May 25, 2007


We went out for dinner tonight and brought home a take home box with a couple bites of steak for my buddy. Luke loves getting a treat, and he particularly likes "chicken jerky", cheese slices and bologna. In whatever time I have left with him, I intend to spoil him good!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


This is a photo of Luke and our cat as she sharpens her claws on the front porch bench. Our cat has absolutely no fear of Luke. I think she can sense his kind spirit. It's not often you see a cat rubbing up against a dog, or curled up asleep beside him.

My Personal Trainer

Summer is here and it's time to get outside. My faithful companion springs to his feet at the slightest mention of going for a walk, or when he's asked "Where's your ball?" - the signal that it's time to head outside for a game of fetch the tennis ball.

Plenty of dogs will chase after something you throw. Luke is a true Golden Retriever, and so once he gets the ball (usually in mid-air), he brings it straight back to you and puts it in your hand... ready to chase after it again.

Luke and I have put on a few extra pounds this winter, so we both need a little more activity. Like someone once said: "If your dog is over weight, you're not getting enough exercise".

Welcome Home

I left for work a little early today. Luke seemed dissapointed that I was in a hurry to head out.

When I pulled into the driveway, there he was standing at the front door prancing back and forth, wagging his tail, and barking like he couldn't wait for me to get home. That's not a bad way to be welcomed home!

Luke is laying here at my feet as I type. A man could not have a better companion.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

50 Years Young (in dog years).

Luke was born on March 8th, 1997 at Eveningstar Kennels in Aguanga, California. Eveningstar produces some of the most outstanding certified pedigree animals anywhere. Visit their website at .

Luke normally naps during the day while we're away, and stands guard at our bedroom door while we sleep. Luke and I stayed on the move today and I had him with me most of the time. He's a little tired since he didn't get his normal naps in.

Luke is never too tired to play fetch and all you have to ask is: "Where's your ball?" and he springs into action, scrambling to find his tennis ball and heading for the door.

Luke has his own toy basket, which contains over 25 tennis balls, chew toys, rope dolls, and various other items he loves to play with. And yes, - you could say he's spoiled.

(Note: Some experts believe that the relative age of a medium to large size dog is calculated based on 4.5 to 5.5 dog years for every 1 human year.)

A Tribute to a Great Friend.

This is my first attempt at creating a blog. I wanted to pay tribute to my wonderful friend and loving companion Luke. Luke and I are getting a little older, and a little grayer, and neither of us gets around like we used to. I've begun to realize that our time together is limited. I try not to think about what it will be like not to have my buddy waiting on me to get home each day.

I'm committed to seeing that whatever time God has planned for us is spent fetching tennis balls, going for walks, and making sure that Luke knows he's my best friend.